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Feature of Gabion

After completion, the gabion structures gain more strength, accumulating on the soil particles themselves and become part of the natural landscape. The main advantages of gabion structures are:

Flexibility. Our structures are able to resist external loads without breaking. Gabion structures absorb rainfall possible without destroying the soil structure itself. In unstable soils, as well as in areas of erosion that quality is especially important.

Permeability. High permeability of gabion structures eliminates hydrostatic loads. Drainage and stability make them ideal for protecting slopes from erosion.

Durability. The mesh material of the our design has a variable tensile load of 3,500 to 5,000kg. on absorption. meter. With this construction of the gabion can withstand any type of load. The effectiveness of gabion structures is not reduced, but increases with age, as occurs with time of sediment compaction of soil in the interstices of gabions and begin to grow vegetation on the surface. Thus, gabions become friendly nature of the building blocks.

Environmental friendliness. Due to the fact that the gabion structures shall not prevent the growth of vegetation and blend with the environment, they are natural building blocks for decorating the landscape.

Beautiful. As the gabion structures are not only durable, but also aesthetic, try to fit them into the landscape, it can give the whole structure view of completeness and steadfastness. To do this, select the appropriate method for your landscaping.

Cost-effectiveness. Our designs are more economical than rigid or semi-rigid structure, as have the following advantages: low operating costs, the minimum amount of work on the preparation of base facilities, ease of construction does not require skilled labor for installation, no need for the unit cost of drainage systems, so as gabion structures are permeable.

Easy to install. To install the gabions do not require extensive preparatory work, and they installed quickly and easily.

You can send a request to purchase our products at samuel@enzarindustry.com.

Inquiry for Our Product

Hebei Lvhua Gabion Wall Co., Ltd.

E-mail: samuel@enzarindustry.com

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